
What is Vertigo?
Dizziness involving the inner ear is typically described as vertigo. This involves a sensation of abnormal movement, spinning, and imbalance. There are many causes of vertigo including an infection leading to inflammation of the inner ear or balance nerve. Meniere’s disease involves the overproduction of fluid in the inner ear and results in intermittent episodes of ear fullness, vertigo, roaring tinnitus, and hearing loss. Small stones that get dislodged within the inner ear and enter improper locations, or even certain types of tumors may also cause vertigo. Head trauma, stroke, migraines, and neurological disorders may also present with vertigo.
Diagnosing the cause of vertigo involves a detailed medical history, physical examination and ancillary testing, such as a hearing test and a videonystagmography (VNG). VNG testing involves a series of tests based on reflexes of the eyes to determine if the vertigo is from the inner ear or the brain. Treatment of vertigo may involve medications, positional maneuvers, or balance therapy.