General ENT
Disorders involving the ear, nose and throat may range from ear infections, chronic tonsillitis, sore throat, and voice changes, to salivary gland disorders, snoring, nasal obstruction, tumors and masses of the head and neck. We treat all ages, from newborns on up.
The vocal cords are two bands of smooth muscle tissue located in the larynx, which is located at the top of the windpipe. Sound is created as air passes the vocal cords from the lungs, causing vibration of the vocal cords at varying frequencies. Each person’s unique voice is determined by the size and shape of the vocal cords, throat, nose, and mouth.
Common vocal cord disorders include:
Laryngitis: raspy or hoarse voice due to vocal cord inflammation.
Vocal Cord Nodules: noncancerous callous growths on the vocal cords resulting from vocal abuse from excessive singing, talking, yelling, smoking, or coughing. Treatment typically involves voice rest, modifying or eliminating behaviors resulting in vocal cord abuse, referral to a speech-language pathologist, medication, and surgery to remove the nodules after failed conservative therapy.
Vocal Cord Polyps: noncancerous soft growths on the vocal cords, resulting in hoarse and raspy voice
Vocal Cord Paralysis: vocal cords fail to function properly typically from nerve injury, and can result in symptoms of a breathy voice, shortness of breath, or coughing. In severe cases, aspiration and pneumonia may occur.
Allergies, earaches, and throat pain can strike at any age. At Clear Lake Medical Center ENT, we have the expertise to provide lasting relief no matter the age of our patients. While children experience many of the same health issues as adults, the way symptoms appear and how to address them can be quite different. Our board-certified physicians understand these differences and will ensure your child finds lasting relief from earaches and allergies. We also offer comprehensive hearing diagnostics and other ENT services to meet all of your needs.

Pediatric ENT Issues We Treat:
Airway and Breathing Disorders
Pediatric Nose and Sinus Problems
Tongue Tie (Ankyloglossia)
Speech and Language Disorders
Hearing Loss
Pediatric Head & Neck Tumors
Ear infections including swimmer’s ear, otitis media, middle ear fluid (serous otitis) and chronic otitis media
Throat problems such as recurring sore throats, tonsil and adenoid problems, bacterial tonsillitis, pharyngitis, peritonsillar abscess and sleep apnea
Foreign bodies of the ear, nose or throat
And much more!