Foreign Bodies of the Ear, Nose, Throat

Foreign Body of the Ear, Nose, & Throat
Common foreign bodies of the ear and nose include rocks, beads, toys, hearing aid domes, household items, food, candy, cotton Q-tip ends, and even insects. Foreign bodies of the ear or nose should be removed as soon as discovered, because their sustained presence may potentially lead to immediate or long-term health consequences.
Successful removal depends on various circumstances, including the foreign body’s location, shape, consistency, and the patient’s level of cooperation. If the foreign body is particularly troublesome or the patient is particularly uncooperative, the use of a surgical facility and/or surgical procedure may be necessary to successfully remove the foreign body
Throat Foreign Body
Foreign bodies of the throat (known as pharyngeal or tracheal foreign bodies) are generally viewed as medical emergencies and should be addressed urgently.