Nasal Valve Repair
Treatment for structural collapse of the external nose.

Nasal Valve Incompetence
The nasal valve refers to the narrowest portion within the nasal cavity. This typically corresponds to the crease above the nostrils externally. If this region is compromised for any reason - from trauma, prior surgery, scarring, aging, a congenitally narrow nose or weak cartilages, breathing through the nose can become quite difficult.
Individuals with incompetent nasal valves may have no significant history of nasal trauma. On examination, the septum may be straight, but the individual continues to experience difficulty breathing particularly with exertion, increased activities such as exercise. These people often benefit from breathe right strips.
Repair of Nasal Valve
Repairing the nasal valve involves a variety of techniques. Every person’s nose is unique and the cause for collapse may be different. Based on the area of collapse and the patient’s natural anatomy, your nasal surgeon will determine how best to repair your nasal valve. Oftentimes, cartilage from the septum or ear is used to rebuild the structural support of the nose. Tissues may be trimmed and cartilage reshaped to provide optimal support against the dynamic collapse of the nose with breathing inward. This may involve elevation of the nasal skin through an “open approach.”
Healing is typically longer than a septoplasty, and may span several months n order for the swelling to resolve. External changes to the nose are possible, but when completed by a facial plastic surgeon, these changes are usually favorable.