We offer the following in-office procedures:*
Balloon Sinuplasty
Nasal Polypectomy
Drug-Eluting Nasal Stents
Image Guidance Sinus Surgery
Radiofrequency Turbinate Reduction
Rhinaer / Vivaer
* IV sedation and anesthesia offered for individuals who qualify

Sinusitis occurs when the lining of the sinus cavities become inflamed. This may occur when allergies or infection cause significant swelling in the nose which then narrows or closes off the openings to the sinuses. Bacteria may settle and get trapped in the sinuses, leading to facial pain, pressure, congestion, and headaches.
Pain can be quite intense during an acute infection which can affect sleep, ability to concentrate and focus on work. Treatment of an acute sinusitis often requires in some combination an antibiotic, steroid, nasal spray or nasal saline rinses. When sinusitis begins to occur multiple times a year, the cost and inconvenience of frequent doctor and urgent care visits begins to build. Dr. Yoon and Dr. Hu have extensive experience managing sinusitis, are well-versed in a variety of sinus procedures, and are knowledgeable with the newest treatment options for chronic sinus disease. Together, we can guide you through a treatment plan to healthier sinuses and a healthier life.
Symptoms of sinusitis include:
Nasal congestion
Thick nasal discharge or postnasal discharge
Pressure in the face around the nose, eyes, forehead and/or cheeks
Low grade fevers
Reduced sense of smell or taste